
Am I a lost soul?
I feel like I still haven’t found my true self
Is the world against me?
Everyone is laughing at me!!
Why are they laughing at me??

Am I not good enough?
Am I not beautiful enough?
Don’t I have the assets they need?
Am I not smart enough?
Am I not tall enough?
Am I not up to their standard?

Why do they keep laughing?
Am I a clown?
Am I disabled?
Am I ugly?
Am I a black sheep?
Am I rotten?

Stop laughing!
I can’t take it anymore!
Here is a pot of clay, since I am not as perfect as you want
Remold me!
Reshape me!
Rebuild me!
That’s what you are!

Mend your garments before mending mine!
Clean yourself up before cleaning me up!
I am a human!
A girl with flaws!
I don’t have to beg to be loved!
I am more than enough to love myself!
I don’t have to beg you!
You do not own me!

So stop laughing and grow up!
Yes, Grow up!
You are not perfect!
You are far from perfect!
So why do you keep laughing?
You don’t love yourself!
You are filled with envy!
Brimming with Jealousy!
That’s why you laugh at others!

You hate yourself!
You are rotting inside!
A decayed carcass
You stink!
Wash yourself!
Learn to love yourself!
Jealousy will only lead you to an early grave!
Nobody is perfect!

Wake up from that evil dream!
Change your mindset
Accept yourself with the flaws
And work towards being a better person
Don’t let your insecurities get to you
Because it will BURN you!

-Khushi Kaul


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