Crack of Dawn

She is fire soaked in Cherry wine,
A damsel in distress,
Queen of Atlantis
Tiptoeing on thin ice; She
A warrior of life and death
Fights with the demons of her ancestors
Under the light of a million mornings.

When the sun wanders
From East to West
She bends with the light
And floats on copper fields,
Inhaling words, exhaling poetries

Hope sprouts from her mulberry thighs,
From sundown
To moonrise,
What a sight to behold
How she drifts gracefully
Through the obituaries of seasons,

And she thrives
With grace
Under the pressure of a ticking time bomb
Watching eternities
Trickle from an hourglass; She
A gentle reminder

That a flower could bloom from within
In its own pace and time,
Anywhere, anyhow
It's planted
Only if it wants to, only
If it's meant to be.                        
- Khushi Kaul 


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