
Night unfolds like an ancient scroll,
displaying a painted expanse of contrasts,
A sea of isolation exhibits itself in darkness,
upon which an unblemished reflection of the
shimmering full moon
trembles gently on its surface.
Distant city lights flicker like crystals,
strewn on a black canvas of uncertainty,
How some things gleam with a defined clarity,
and others disappear mysteriously
in an abyss of bleakness
Thus is the human condition,
it becomes
an image mirrored in the late hours of the night,
A blend of light and shadows,
black and white
all inside,
Discrepancies revealing
deeper shades of emotions,
A longing to be overwhelmed with beauty and joy yet a reluctance to yield to it,
This is how I miss you,
with tears and smiles,
Longing and acceptance,
Reminiscence and forgetfulness,
I find you in the light of illusions,
Miss you in shadows of realities.

-Khushi Kaul


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