Speck of Dust

Have you ever wanted to be someone else?
Who wouldn't, right?
Who wouldn't want to be a super hero?
Who wouldn't want to be the best artist?
Who wouldn't want to be a legend?
We want to be someone else so much, we forget who we truly are.
Who hasn't dreamt of having a prettier face?
Perfect teeth?
White skin as snow?
Who hasn't dreamt of being sexier?
Being macho?
Having an hourglass shape?
You have, haven't you?
Raise your hand and tell me,
Why can't you be enough?
What's the qualifications for a person to be treated as one?
Because the one standing in the alley has a soft and long hair as rapunzel?
Because the girl you saw on social media doesn't have stretch marks?
Because the guy on the beach has a more defined abs than you do?
Because you're not in society's preference of beauty?
Who cares?
Darling, you are as pretty as they are.
You are as lively as they are.
They have people who love them, and so do you.
You breathe the same air, you are more than who you think you are.
You are like a meaningful poetry, waiting to be discovered.
They may not have found you yet, but once you get comfortable in your own skin.
So will they.

-Khushi Kaul


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