Nothing is Permanent

There once was a girl named Riya who lived a terrible life, but no one knew her secret. She had not been truly happy for the past five years. Despite her hardships, Riya managed to make many friends. She persevered through adversity, studying hard and eventually graduating from college with top honors. She became number one in her class, and her college friends admired her dedication and determination. However, they never asked about her past or the struggles she had endured. Riya's ambition led her to start her own company. Several months later, her friend Mary joined her in this endeavor, and their company quickly became a success. One day, as they were discussing their achievements:

Mary: "Riya, why don't we throw a party to celebrate our company's success, 'Today's Present'?"

Riya: "Yes, Mary, that's a great idea! It's been two years since we started, and it's time to celebrate."

Mary: "Alright, let's plan it. What should we do?"

Riya: "Let's invite all our staff and friends. It'll be a wonderful celebration."

Mary agreed to the plan, and they set about organizing a grand party held in their company.

The event was a spectacular success, and everyone rejoiced in their accomplishments. Riya took the opportunity to address her friends and colleagues:

Riya: "My dear friends and staff, this is a victory not just for Mary and me but for all of us. We've grown this company together, and I want to treat you all to a night at the hotel."

The afternoon at the company had gone wonderfully, and later that night, they all went to the hotel as Riya's treat. They had a fantastic time, and Riya's staff members and friends bonded. Among her friends were Sofia, Mary, John, David, Harley, Rose, Mark, and Roy—Riya's cherished circle.

Sofia: "Riya is incredible. Her college days were amazing."

Harley: "Indeed, but their success today is thanks to Mary."

Rose: "Regardless, do you all remember the dance we used to do?"

John: "Of course! How could we forget?"

Riya: "Let's dance."

They started dancing near the hotel's swimming pool, and laughter filled the air. Riya was smiling brightly, enjoying the moment, until an unexpected accident occurred. She slipped and fell into the pool. David quickly reached out to help her out of the water, and as Riya emerged from the pool, her friends noticed something shocking—a scar on her face.

Mary: "Riya, you have a scar on your face! Why didn't you tell us?"

Sofia: "We're your friends; you should have shared this with us."

Rose: "Don't worry, David is a doctor; he can make the scar disappear."

Mark: "So, this is why you never joined us on trips or camps."

Roy: "I assumed it was because of me. I'm sorry, Riya."

David: "Don't worry, Riya. We'll help you with this."

They comforted and questioned her about the scar. Riya hesitated but eventually decided to share her painful past with her friends. She remembered her painful experiences, the reason behind the scar, and the emotions that had kept her silent for so long. Her friends listened, and even though they were shocked, they offered her their unwavering support.

Rose: "Roy, why did you tell them she didn't come on the trips because of you?"

Roy: "It was just a guess. I didn't want her to feel alone."

Mary: "Let's stay here at her house. We can talk to her in the morning."

Everyone agreed, and they spent the night at Riya's house. The next morning, they waited for her to come downstairs after applying makeup to cover the scar.

Riya: "I told you all not to get mad..."

Roy: "I got mad, too."

Mary: "But you should have trusted us enough to share."

Mark: "Please, Riya, tell us what happened."

Riya began to share her painful story...After the night. They came to Riya's house and ask her. She narrated her story

Riya: In my little age my parents didn't love me. They want me to die. My school teachers scolded and beat me always. Life is terrible. One day my father left me at a place and left me. The place was a little bit dirty. No one was there. I clean the place and live there. I need to go to school. But I rejoin at another school. I tell that I am an orphan. They give admission.

Rose: That's the school you told us that you came.

Riya: Yes, then I study hard. Because they want me to die. At the time my studying was a little poor. Then I sudy hard. I get good marks. But that was not enough. My father and mother discovered that. They came to kill me. I heard that I was originally a adopted daughter. They came to my place. They had a fight with me. At the time, my own mother beat me with a rod. That was this scare. Even this scare in my face my heart get many scars. I manage to escape. Thank goodness the owner of the place will come there at the time. He saves me and helps me to get inside the college. The owner of the place didn't have a child. So they like me. I only call them as my father and mother. They call me yaya like their own child. Then I study hard and make you guys as my friends. Then after I start the company. A little success happen money came I thought buying the old house, but someone else already bought it. My biological father and mother are came and filtering with me. I told them to get out of my life.

Mary: This happen before my parents death. Right?

Riya: Yes.

Rose: Mary, you came after she starts the company and after she gets the house.

Mary: Before that, I was at the rent house with my parents. They dead in a accident. So the landlord throw me out. Its like a emotional scare. Then I came to Riya. I don't think anyone at the time.

David: Before you came did she have house.

Mary: yeah.

Riya: So I see the scare every morning and get the courage to live.

Harley: Like me and john's life. The life we had I too like this.

Sofia: Don't talk easy at the life. Look at this first.

Sofia take off her jacket and pour water at her hand there is a big scare at her hand. They all get shocked.

Roy: This is why you always dressed full hand.

Mark: But look good in full hand.

John: Sofia how did you get this scare.

Mary: Everyone has a terrible past.

Harley: Indeed.

Rose: But....,

Riya: But what...

Rose: No one wants to tell and get to know abou the past to others. Even if it's a friend.

Sofia: Believing a friend make me like something before. so I don't want to tell this.

Mark: Even you have some people to hate you to give courage. But I don't have any one. That's the big scare I get. I want to get notifications by others. The emotional scare changed me. After a few minutes later. After a dead silence. Roy starts.

Roy: So me and david are the person's who had this much sad past like a scare.

David: Who said that I dont have a scare past. I have.

Riya: so it's time tell about our past. Lets start one by one. I told you mine. Next to me roy. He don't have any past like this.

John: Next mary. Then me and Harley. We are grow together so we tell at the same time.

Rose: Mary next you!

Mary: But I have a family scare. You guys suffer alone. But I suffer with parents.

David: It's ok. Its time to share our pain.

Mary: Ok I tell.......

Riya shared her story, and after listening to her, they asked Mary to share her past as well. She began to speak.

Mary: "Me and my family were very poor. We had no money, only relatives. Do you guys know what betrayal is?"

Riya: "Yes, we know."

Sofia: "We're aware."

Roy: "What was that?"

Harley: "I'll explain later."

John: "Mary, please continue."

Mary: "My school days were difficult. I studied hard, but we didn't have enough money. I worked a part-time job to pay for my school fees. My mom and dad borrowed money from our relatives, which turned out to be a big mistake."

Mary began to cry after sharing this, and Mark handed her a glass of water. She continued after taking a drink.

Mary: "On the day I finished school, I didn't score as well as Riya, but I had enough marks to join our college. That's when our relatives demanded the money we owed them. We gave them everything we had, except for one relative. His family only had boys."

John: "What happened with that relative? Why only boys?"

Rose: "Did he harass you? Tell us who they are; we'll take revenge."

Mary: "No, it's not them. He claimed to have received the money from someone else. They came to our house and demanded payment. They even beat up my relative. We told them we would pay later, but he insisted on taking me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away. In the end, my father had to sell our only home to settle the debt."

Mary began to cry loudly. After hearing her story, everyone fell silent. Then Mary asked Riya about her college days.

Mary: "Riya, where did you go during your college days?"

Riya: "Before finishing school, I met the house owner. During college, I stayed in a college dormitory."

Mary: "You guys know I didn't have the money for a dormitory, so we lived in an old house. We didn't even know who the owner was, and the house had no doors."

Riya: "I stayed in a house like that too."

Mary: "Later, we managed to secure some money and moved into a rented house. After college, we were in a car accident, and I couldn't live alone. Money was scarce, and my job wasn't enough to sustain us. Being alone, many people tried to take advantage of me. That's when I turned to Riya, who is strong, and I joined her."

Riya: "The owner of the old house I stayed in had a good brother. His brother had a son. They later revealed that the house belonged to them. I went to talk to them, and they liked me. You guys won't believe it; they asked me to marry their son."

After hearing this, they were shocked, and then they burst into laughter. David and Roy joked about it.

Roy: "Don't get married, Riya. I'm here for you."

David: "Roy, she's not foolish enough to marry you."

Roy: "Then, who? Did she marry you?"

After he said that, Riya and David exchanged glances, leaving the others looking at them. Then they all shouted in unison.

All: "Ohhhhhh...."

Riya and David returned to normal, and then Mary spoke up.

Mary: "I've finished my story. Now, it's Mark's turn."

John: "Mark, do you like..."

Mark: "Shut up. Okay, guys, after everyone shared their past, I have something to propose."

Everyone looked both furious and shocked, and they exclaimed in surprise.

All: "Ohhh..ah..ah...."

David: "I'm going to propose too."

Roy: "Me too."

John: "Me...too."

Harley: "After you guys, it's my turn."

Rose: "Hey, there are only four girls, but you guys are five boys."

Sofia: "So that means two boys will propose to one girl, right?"

Harley: "That's correct."

Riya: "Mark, share your past first, and then you can talk about your proposals."

Mark began to tell his story...

Then they ask Mark to tell his story. Mark started to tell them. His life of two truth and one lie.

Mark: Me and my father, mother, and brother are living in a house as a happy family.

Rose: When do you have a brother? We don't know that.

Mark: Before the big incident happened. Do you guys know that I work hard to become an income tax officer and try my best to seal the TLOT company?

Roy: Yeah.

Mark: My dad worked at the company. You guys are known that it was a medical company. One day someone steals money at the office.

Sofia: Did they suspect your dad about that?

Mark: A little, later they see it on camera. But.....

Harley: What?

A few seconds, later mark drink water and started to tell again.

Mark: They suspect my dad for everything.

Roy: Why?

Mark: The manager's daughter loved me. I didn't accept it so revenge.

Mary: Why do you reject her?

Mark: I don't like her. He did a big mistake. The company manager parceled a medicine pack for someone.

My brother was a delivery boy there. The manager packed the wrong medicine. But, he told the press that my brother took the wrong package.

Do you guys know? He lies because he was a manager. He wants to save his name. But, not us. He gives money to an employee to lie for that. They both are a lie. My brother is the only one who tells the truth.

John: Two lies and one true. Mm, what to do?

Mark: They put my brother in jail for that reason. He died in jail a prison. Our family went sad. My dad retained the job and got another job.

Mark: I can't forget the incident. So study hard after school. I met you guys. After college, I study hard to write exams and get a job. I take the case again and complain to them with proof. Like this, there are many cases. I find them all.

Only one truth is over powerful than two lies. I prove that to them and seal the company for many incidents.

I did it. Friends there are many lies is here. But our truth is very r powerful. But, use it with your brain. Don't just tell prove it to the one who laughs at you when you get hurt.

Riya: I think the company name is too... Two lies and one truth.

Sofia: They are the devil. They will never care about lives.

David: You are right. I will care about that most. Riya doesn't worry.

Riya: I didn't worry about that.

Mary: Ah... It was Sofia who tell that.

David: Oh...ok. John you...

John: What?

David: Now. Tell your past.

John: Oh, Harley come on.

Harley came near John.

Mark: only one thing gives me courage.

Mary: What?

Mark: The girl at the old house.

Rose: Who? Your lover?

Mark: Not my lover. a girl. At an old House, she lives all alone. I get better after seeing her at the long sight in the window screen.

Mary: Ohh...

Mark: I don't know where is the girl right now.

Roy: Ahh...ahh... John, Harley tell yours.

Harley: ok.

John: Mm...

They both started to tell their past. They live together...

Then John and Harley started to tell their past.

John: At first we were not together. Once in my school life, I have terrible friends. They ask me to take money from my house without telling anyone. I do that then they force me to love a girl.

Harley: The girl loves me. So we were enemies at the first. Then I reject her. She went to John and said that she love him, he also rejected her. Then we became friends.

Sofia: Nice.

Mark: You became a little bit happy after he reject the girl.

Sofia: Shut up... Idiot.

David: I thought that there is someone else is happy.

Sofia: Rose...

Rose: Shut up.

Everyone started to laugh and then they continue.

John: Then my friends tell me to make money. Harley told me don't do that. But i did. My father caught me and then scold me very harshly.

Harley: At the time, my mom was going to get second marriage, because my father was dead. She and her new husband hate me. They try to abandon me.

Rose: What? Why your mother was so evil?

Harley: I don't know.

John: My family was going abroad at the time. I was a burden to them so they leave me at home and never return. The landlord told me to leave the house.

Harley: Same here. He took his bag and I took mine. we leave our house.

John: The friends are bad they didn't even talk to me at the time. We met in an old house Backyard. The old house has a cottage for horses so we both stay there.

Harley: I and John noticed that there is a single girl at the house we didn't see her face. But the house does not have a door so we protect the girl from outside.

John: But we never see her face at once. After realizing that we are there she gave us food to eat. We go to school and work for money.

Harley: She leaves food at the cottage and leaves. Then we ate it. Once I was there John went to a part-time job. The girl went to take bath. She sings a song I started to love her from then on.

John: If I see the girl I will thank her and give her a big price. But she disappeared.

Mary: How?

David: How can it be possible?

Roy: Right. You guys are protecting her then what?

Harley: One day I and him went to a job and then gave again. There is no food. We thought that she forgot.

Harley: I missed her so much. At the time college starts. So I thought that she went to college. Then at the college. Riya sing the same song. so I became her friend.

John: Now he didn't want to love her. Just to thank you.

Harley: Yeah, your right.

Sofia: I thought rose is happy now that the girl is gone.

Rose: Sofia, shut up.

Everyone started to laugh and then john said

John: After college, Riya starts her company for makeup products and beauty face masks. So we first start a coffee shop and then a little mart and now we have three shops.

Harley: One in the mall.

Mark: Hey, John did your family didn't return?

Sofia: What if they return or not?

John: They return in our last year of college. But they didn't want to see me. After we successfully run two shops they came and speak sweetly and then ask for money.

Roy: How did your parents like this?

Rose: I don't like your parents.

Mary: I first thought that you don't have parents.

David: Me extremely.

Riya keeps thinking about something. Sofia ask what are you thinking. she said nothing. Then...

John: You guys are right. That's why Harley scolds them. we're nice.

Riya: Good thing.

Harley: So we finished. Next... Rose.

Roy: Hey, guys can we eat first. I am starving to death. We did even not eat lunch.

David: Ohh... It's already 4'o clock. Ok, I take you guys to a nice restaurant.

Riya: Where?

Sofia: My restaurant.

John: What? Why didn't you tell us?

Mark: If you tell us. We can enjoy the party there.

Riya: Yeah, Mark is right. Why didn't you tell us?

Everyone started to ask why?

Sofia: I want to give you guys a surprise that's why I didn't tell.

John: Anyway, I think it was a great success. Just go ok.

They all agreed and then went to Sofia restaurant...After huge eating then came to Riya's house. Time is already 6'o clock.

Harley: Rose now your turn.

Rose: ok.

After leaving the restaurant, Rose began to share her past with her friends.

Rose: "I was the only daughter of a wealthy man. My mother passed away when I was young, and my father loved me dearly. However, to take care of me, he married another woman who was initially kind to me. But things changed."

Sofia: "Changed how?"

Rose: "She gave birth to a son, my stepbrother. She believed that all the family fortune should go to her son, and she started neglecting me. Sadly, my father passed away in a car accident, and that's when the mistreatment began."

Harley: "That's awful. What did you do?"

Rose: "Well, they insisted that I take over the family company, even though I was still quite young. So she agreed to send me to college. But later, she tried to remove me from the company. Whenever I felt sad or demotivated, I used to go to an old house nearby. Sometimes, I saw a girl and a boy sitting on a bench. I would stand at a distance, just close enough to hear the songs they sang. I found comfort and motivation in those songs, so one day, I recorded them."

Rose started to laugh, then her laughter turned into tears as she held up the tape.

Rose: "My stepmother later tried to send me abroad forcefully, but you guys know that Riya taught me how to defend myself."

Sofia: "Yes, we know."

Mary: "Did you kick them out?"

Roy: "I thought you did."

Rose: "No, I fought back, but I didn't hurt my stepmother and brother because they were my family. I told them I didn't want the fortune. The company was in my name, as was the house. I said, 'You can stay here and use the money, and later, my brother can help me with the company.'"

David: "You're incredibly kind, Rose. Can I have that tape?"

Rose: "Sure."

John: "I'm starting to like you, Rose."

Sofia: "What? Isn't there anyone getting angry?"

Roy: "I thought it was near me."

Everyone burst into laughter, and they all turned to look at Sofia. Rose handed the tape to David.

Mark: "So, what happened next?"

Rose: "My stepmother agreed, and while I was abroad with friends, my brother took care of the company. He didn't care about the money, so I trusted him."

Riya: "That worked out well."

Rose: "I owe a lot to Riya."

Roy: "Why is that?"

Rose: "Because of her, I learned how to fight. If it weren't for her, my stepmother would have sent me abroad much earlier."

Riya: "It's no problem."

John: "Sofia, it's your turn now. Can you share your past with us?"

Sofia: "Sure."

Riya: "We're all waiting to hear your story. I noticed a scar on your hand."

Roy: "Yes, we did."

Sofia: "When I was young, I lived happily with my parents. We were a close-knit family. However, one day, my parents went abroad for business. I had wonderful friends, and I even had a crush on someone at school. He confessed his love to me, and I agreed to be his girlfriend. But it turned out he was playing with my feelings. On his birthday, I went to his house to wish him, and he kissed me. However, the next day, I saw him kissing another girl."

Riya: "I sense jealousy here."

David: "I thought it was near me."

Everyone turned to John, who was clearly jealous.

Sofia: "I confronted him with my friends, and we arranged to meet at a park near an old house. He admitted that he had been using me all along. I got angry and slapped him. Then my friends revealed that one of them was the girl he had been kissing."

Her Friend(1): "Did you not know that the girl kissing him was me?"

Sofia: "What?"

Her Friend(2): "He liked her from the beginning, not you."

Sofia: "I got into a fight with them, and that's when one of them attacked me with a piece of window glass. I got injured on my hand."

Rose: "What did you do then?"

Riya: "What happened?"

Sofia: "The police arrived at the scene, and I was saved. My parents returned and sent me to college."

Riya felt that the story had some similarities with something that had happened before.

Riya: "David, you're the only one left."

David: "Alright..."

David started to tell his story.

David: I don't have a family. I live with my relative house. I am aways alone. So i ran away from house and I stayed in an old house near a old house there are more old houses in the area. I study well in school.

Roy: Don't you have any neighbors?

David: I have only one girl. She is the one I have ever liked and loved.

Sofia: Oh...

Everyone started to shout and started to smile with funny at David.

Riya's face is a little sad and Roy is the one who gets very happy.

David: But I don't know how she looks like? I didn't see her once.

Rose: Then how did you love her?

Harley: Maybe it was a love from a long distance like me.

John: Yeah, we didn't see the girl from the first to the end.

David: I saw first there is someone. It was a girl. She was alone. But I thought she has brothers. Tow boys study outside the house. She makes food. I didn't even talk to her.

Riya: How can you love like that?( a little angry and confused face )

Mary: David, my friend gets anger. She will kill you.

Everyone started to laugh at Riya. She said...

Riya: I didn't get angry. Shut up.

David: One day at my school parents' meeting. I don't have parents. The students are telling that"the boy was a killer" " he killed his family". But I didn't kill anyone. I started to cry.

Mark: They are horrible. It's too much.

David: I sit on a bench under a tree between her house and mine. I cry louder and she hears that. Someone ties my eye. I scared. She said close "your eyes and listen". She sing a song and I fell asleep on her leg.

Everyone laugh and said, "she like you". Riya is looked shocked and she sits stunned.

Rose: Riya what happens? Are you angry?

Riya: I am not.

David: or Shocked?

Riya: ?what?

David: Nothing.

Sofia: Next.

David: Then I woke up. She is gone. I went to her house. I remember she went to work. She left food for me. She looks so nice. I thought I like her. I started to look at her. If I get sad I went to the bench and sit. It's a double-side bench. She sits back to me and sings.

Mark: It's true love, David.

Sofia: Riya, don't feel sad. David only loves that girl.

Riya started to smile nervously and look at him and said...

Riya: She looks like a nice girl. I don't mind. He loves her true. I don't care about it.

Mary: What? Did i hear her correct?

Everyone gets shocked and looks at Riya and david. They get confused. David looks a little confused at first. Then he smile.

Mark: Did you accidentally hit your head head yesterday?

Riya: What nonsense your saying.

Everyone laugh. Then david started to tell again.

David: ok. Then about a month, this goes. I went there she sings for me. One day I went to the bench. But, she didn't come. So I went to her house for the check. She is not there.

Mark: Did she go out?

Mary: Or go to work at the time?

David: She doesn't have work at the time. There is some blood there. I get shocked and left there.

John: Where are the brothers?

Rose: Where did they go at the time?

Riya: What is the time?

David: It was an night at 7:45. I went to search there.

Sofia: I thought i see you somewhere david.

Riya: Leave it. I thought the brothers went to do Their jobs.

David: I thought the same. I thought someone kidnapped her. There are so many police standing there before i went to the house. Then I left. I study and went to college and make more friends.

Rose: Mm... What happens to her?

David: I search for her. She is my first love how can I leave her And now...I find her.

Everyone gets shocked and looks at him and everyone shouts at the same time " what"?. He smiled and get silent.

Mark: So tomorrow your...

David: Right.

Rose: What?

Mark: Nothing.

Roy: Do you guys know? At the time in college. My parents asked me to marry a girl. I Immediately said no... Because I love another girl. I didn't even look at the girl they asked.

Mary: Did she was your relative?

Roy: They said that she lived at our house. A good girl and genius and smart. I don't care.

Riya: ohh...You are going to regret it...

Roy: I will never...I always love Riya only.

Harley: I smell some anger.

Everyone turns to David.

Roy: What? He has her girl. I will never regret that decision.

Riya: let see...

David: It's late and everyone's past is finished. So let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day.

Sofia: what? Why?

Harley: I think you guys dont know. We were going to propose tomorrow.

Rose: I am excited to see who is the girl David said.

Roy: I am too...

Mark: Ok go... I need to plan for my proposal.

John: So Rose, you are not excited for your propose.

Rose look nervous and said...

Rose: I know that my proposal is really going to be great.

Everyone shout that "ohh... Plan for proposal "... Everyone went to sleep.

After David and Roy, they fit went to sleep. The next morning they wake up and are ready for the proposal.

They put on makeup so much. Then girls are waiting for them in the hall. They came down.

David: I will propose at the last.

Harley: First me.

John: Next to him me.

Mark: I am next. But I made a big surprise then you guys.

Roy: I thought David has no one to propose.

Sofia: He said that he has a girl. So he will propose to her.

David: She is right. Let's go.

Harley took them to a hill station. High in the mountain. He went to the edge and then he shout...

Harley: I love you rose...will you be my girlfriend?

Rose: Yes.....

She shouted and run towards him while crying and hug very tight. In the mountain edge.

David: Oh...The first proposal is a success. Why did you take us here?

Harley: Rose like hills.

Roy: Harley I want a treat for it.

Harley: Wait, what about you?

John: Let's go. I cant wait.

Everyone smile so teasing full.

John took them to a park near a street of old houses. Riya looks at the house and smiles. Then left.

John kneel before Sofia and take a ring and said...

John: Sofia I love you...will you marry me?

Sofia: Yes...

He put the ring on her hand.

Mark: Let's go. Don't waste the time on kissing ok.

They all started to laugh. Then mark takes them to the front of the marriage register office and proposes.

Mark: Mary I love you...will you be my wife?

Mary: Yes...

They signed and take a picture and become a couple. They all shouted and said, "Mark you are the best". Then started to laugh.

Roy: Nice surprise.

Sofia: Mary are you happy?

Riya: Of course, she is now mrs. Mark. right mary?

Mary: Stop teasing me.

Roy: Let's go.

Roy take them to an amusement park and went to the aquarium place. It's very nice. He kneel to Riya and said...

Roy: I love you Riya... Will you be my girlfriend?

Riya: Shh...No. I am sorry.

Roy: I thought that.

Everyone went confused and said...

Rose: Riya why did you refuse?

Mary: David is going to propose to another girl.

Riya: Do you know who is the girl?

Everyone: No...

David: Like Riya knows that... Let's go.

Everyone get confused.

David took them to the old house without a door. Harley, John, Sofia, Roy, Mary, Mark, and Rose all get shocked. Then said...

Everyone: This house...

David put the song that she sing to him. Then kneel to her and propose to her with a ring.

David: I love you Riya...Will you be my first love and first girlfriend?

Riya: ok...yes.

He put the ring to her and kiss her. They all get shocked. Then ask...

Rose: Why do you propose to her?

Roy: Why did you propose to her here?

John: Right, why here?

Mark: Did you guys know the house?

Mary: I stay here when I lost the house.

Harley: We too stayed here.

Sofia: So that means...

Riya: It is destiny that we must join.

John: You mean...your...

Riya: Right. I am the girl that all of you mentioned.

Roy: Riya, don't tell me that you're The one who stayed here.

Riya: Yeah, it's me. I told you that you will regret it.

Roy: I feel sorry for the thing that I said to my parents right now.

Rose: The girl and the boy sitting there is...

Riya: it's me and david.

John: Then you're the first crush of Harley.

Harley: Stop it john.

Sofia: How did I get into this destiny?

Riya: The day you get hurt is the day my parents fight with me. The policeman from there is one of the men who came to rescue me.

Sofia: Oh, what a connection...

Rose: Why did Roy feel so bad for it?

David: So sad. he is the son of the owner of this old house.

Mark: So your parents asked you to marry Riya?

Roy: Yes...Its my bad. I missed her.

Everyone started to laugh. Then they take a picture from the old house. Then they walk towards the bench near a tree and sit-in bench.

David: I bought the house. So don't worry. You guys can come here at any time.

John: Yes. Today is Mark and Mary's wedding. So let's go and celebrate it.

Then the couples are holding hands and then walk towards their car. But at the time police came and arrest David. they all get shocked.

- Khushi Kaul


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