The Unbreakable Bond

A day for brothers, a bond of might,
Woven from threads of laughter and fight.
From childhood scrapes to triumphs untold,
A story unfolds, a story of old.

In childhood's realm, where dreams take flight,
We shared our secrets, pure delight,
In laughter's echo, and tear's release,
We found in each other, enduring peace.

In sandbox kingdoms, side by side we stood,
Building empires of plastic and wood.
Sharing our toys, then snatching them back,
A love-hate ballet on a childhood track.

Through summer's blaze and winter's chill,
We climbed the highest, rolling hills,
In each triumph and every fall,
You stood beside me, strong and tall.

Teenage years, a tempestuous sea,
Secrets whispered beneath a willow tree.
First heartbreaks shared, a silent pact,
To have each other's back, through any attack.

In silence shared, no words to speak,
Our bond is deep, profound, unique,
In moments quiet, loud and grand,
You hold my heart, within your hand.

Shoulders to lean on, whispers in the dark,
Navigating futures, leaving a mark.
One the protector, the other the guide,
Through teenage troubles, we learned to confide.

Years may have scattered us far and wide,
But the brotherly bond, it cannot hide.
Phone calls that bridge the miles between,
Laughter erupting, a familiar scene.

As years march on, and hair turns gray,
The memories we’ve made will stay,
In stories told and dreams replayed,
Our brotherhood will never fade.

Celebrations shared, milestones achieved,
A silent understanding, quietly perceived.
Victories relished, failures confessed,
A constant presence, putting worries to rest.

With every dawn, a fresh embrace,
In your heart, I find my place,
A brother’s love, forever true,
On this day, I celebrate you.

There may be arguments, words sharp and fast,
But forgiveness flows, a love that will last.
For brothers are branches, grown from the same tree,
Sharing roots, weathering life's stormy sea.

So here’s to you, my lifelong friend,
Our bond, a thread that will not bend,
On National Brothers Day, I say,
Thank you for lighting my way.

Though paths may diverge, and dreams take us far,
The bond of brotherhood, a guiding star.
A love that transcends the tests of time,
A tapestry woven, a love sublime.

On this day, beneath the sky so vast,
We celebrate a bond, forged to last,
A brother's love, a steadfast light,
Guiding us through the darkest night.

So raise a glass, on this day,
To the brothers who light up our way.
For in their laughter, their strength, and their care,
We find a haven, a solace to share.

May this bond of brotherhood ever remain,
A comforting presence, through sunshine and rain.
For brothers are treasures, more precious than gold,
A story forever, waiting to unfold....

- Khushi Kaul


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