The Tale The Pain Tells

My wrist tells tales of pain;
At first I didn't want my scars to be in vain
They must tell the tale of pain.
That is where I will gain attention.
Hear my cries;
I'll cut more till my eyes dry
Feel my deep inner sighs;

I have much to say of my cut wrist
I have a list of scars, stories of bleak glories
It's not self-sabotage if it's for ease
My pains have stories to tell, don't leave
Grieve with me, I can not do it alone;

Where is everyone
Why must I move as one?
But pain tales needs an audience
My wrist has lists of tales I want to share
Don't you care. I'll make more so you listen.
Where is everyone
Why must I move as one?
But pain tales needs an audience

My wrist has lists of tales I want to share
Don't you care. I'll make more so you listen.
Do they have a happy ending?
If they did then my pain would be in vain.
I don't want my scar to be stories | can't share.
I hate the vain gained by my wrist list of scars
I can tell none now
Now that I'm one with my mind.

- Khushi Kaul


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