Transparent Ocean

There's a transparent ocean in my eyes
It's still and silent without a sigh of my heart
it's the mirror Absorbs everything
yet hides the horror Its deeper
than the deepest ocean
Soft and shallow is its fashion
Can swallow more tears than expected
Yet remains transparent hence respected
The ocean drops have reached its brim
None able to hear the silent scream
Eyes have the knack to smile in dismay
Its emits rays and joy displays
Who'll ever be able to see
what's in the transparent ocean
One who's able to see with the heart in person
If the smile behind the tears is understood
Then the transparent ocean
would have never been
A misunderstood
If you can understand the language of the heart
Read the story right from start beginning was as
But dark ocean waves disrupt in evenings
Transparent ocean enables the eyes to glitter
Hides stories painful and bitter
Open not the story to strangers
Save self from deception and danger
Let the transparent ocean remain clear
See through all worldly fear
Yes there's a transparent ocean in my eyes
That's where embedded all my invisible stories lie.

-Khushi Kaul


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